The Difficulties of Keeping a Positive Outlook When It Seems The World is Falling Apart

Keeping a positive outlook on life is nothing short of difficult because of the state of the world today!

My mother always reminded me that there was someone out there worse off than me. So if I ever started feeling sorry for how my life was going, it got put into perspective real fast!

I wonder how my mom would feel about the world today if she was still alive. I’m sure she would look around and say be thankful for what you got, others are not that fortunate! I also know how she would feel about a globe full of habitual whiners!

Yes I said whiners! People who have so much but constantly complaining about anything and everything. You might be friends with them or even live with them! Staying positive doesn’t require a lot of effort. I’m not suggesting you keep wearing rose tinted glasses to get through life on a daily basis. Totally unrealistic! Social media and news organizations keep us posted on the tragedies that seem to be occurring on a regular basis worldwide.

For instance, I live on the outskirts of a big city. Crime is nothing new to those who live there and also in our area. It effects us all. However, it doesn’t keep the citizens of the city from staying positive that things can get better when everyone works together! Positive thinking at its best! No it’s not always the answer but looking towards making life better, well it’s an important step!

We’ve all bitched about something. It’s human nature to complain. Some complaints can be fixed, others not so much. We complain about the weather, the economy politicians, jobs…. Everything!

Let’s try to keep it positive, if not for others then for yourself. Can’t control the weather. Can’t control what others do. So do you! Try to focus on the positive things in your world. It’s healthier and takes up less time in your head and heart! If you think I’m corny.. good! At least you’re thinking about what I just said!!


so let me know what you think!

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