How Being Flexible in One’s Everyday Can Make Life Easier

Flexibility is a trait that many people have but don’t utilize.

The one trait that I’ve always liked about myself is my flexibility! It comes in handy in all phases of life. I’ve always believed that if more people utilized their own flexibility, stress levels could be more manageable.

The old saying of “If you can’t beat them join them!” is flexibility at its core. The ability to work for a company for the 40 years that I did, requires a lot of patience and openness to change. Whether it be the ability to learn new systems or changes in standard operating procedures, flexibility is key!

Daily life requires one to be flexible. Changes in lifestyle, diets, residence and more, all require flexibility. Some things we just can’t control so why let them aggravate you. The weather is one I always find fascinating. Can’t control it so let it go. Traffic jams too. If you happen to pick the wrong way home or whatever, just let it go.

I’m a very flexible person when it comes to group decisions, especially family. I try to go with the flow because it’s not in my best interest to let carry out meal decisions raise my blood pressure!

However don’t confuse being flexible with being indecisive or weak! I am anything but that. I’ve learned in everyday life though that picking your battles is important. Flexibility can get you more positive results! Maybe one day our politicians and world leaders will exercise the option too!


so let me know what you think!

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