Hypertension..Know What You Need to Do to Keep It Under Control

Hypertension made me a walking time bomb. Hypertension or High Blood Pressure has been part of my life for about 8 years now. When I was first diagnosed, I wasn’t shocked because it ran in my family. My lifestyle probably didn’t help the problem. So I fine tuned my salt intake, tried to eat healthier and took prescribed medication. My numbers came down. However, life sometimes takes over hypertension.

Hypertension and Monitoring

Hypertension needs to be checked on a daily basis. I did that for a while, but got over confident that I was doing enough to take care of myself. Being on medication gave me a false confidence. I thought that eating just a little more salt, wouldn’t hurt. That plus the new stress which was to take over my life, effected me more than I knew.

I had a home monitor but always found reasons not to check my pressure. Looking back now, I just don’t think I wanted to know. That could have been a deadly mistake. High blood pressure can have some signals, if high enough, but for most people who might have it, they don’t even know that they do.

Beware of the Consequences

If left untreated, hypertension could eventually kill you! It can lead to heart attacks or strokes. High blood pressure can cause kidney damage and heart damage. It is a very treatable condition. Though it can’t be cured, if you follow your physicians instructions, you can live a healthy and normal life. I followed some of my doctor’s orders but not all. I could have paid the price dearly.

Scared Straight for Good

My epiphany came about a week ago. I had to go for my pressure recheck. When the doctor took my blood pressure, it was through the roof by normal standards. The norm is 120/80. Mine was 176/102. Some may think well if you take medication and watch your diet why so high. The reason is because aside from taking medication, I wasn’t doing the rest. I was shocked that it was that high. Obviously, the medication was not enough either to counteract my behavior. The holiday eating frenzy didn’t help matters at all. My weight was up and I had consumed my share of alcohol and sweets. Not to mention my personal life being in turmoil for a year now. Time to change it!

Scared straight could be an understatement. How did I let it get so bad? As the doctor said to me, no one else will take care of you. You have to do it yourself. Well, I have begun the process! For now I have stopped drinking alcohol, given up baked goods which are laden with sodium and those wonderful chips and pretzels I used to snack on. It’s back to fruits and vegetables, less bread products and healthy grains. I went back yesterday and am glad to say my pressure was down within normal range, plus I lost 2 pounds.

So there you go. Please take your health seriously. I enjoy good food and drink like everyone else. However, I cherish a healthy life more! Part of being happy means being healthy, because with one, you seriously can’t have the other!


2 thoughts on “Hypertension..Know What You Need to Do to Keep It Under Control

  1. Thanks for the advice. I started taking meds six months ago. It came down and I felt like I beat this. Thanks for reminding me that it takes continued efforts.

    1. You are welcome Mike! Taking care of ourselves is an everyday event. Good health to you!

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