Holiday Blues…Yes They are Very Real

Every year we hear about people who experience the holiday blues. Many of these people have normal lives, are primarily happy but when the holidays roll around, it’s a different story.

                                             Holidays and Stress

It’s the same scenario almost every year. When the holiday season comes people just automatically get into a stress mode. The thought of preparing for all the holidays can become a very daunting task to many. People prepare lists to make sure they don’t forget anything of importance. That in itself can cause one to become stressed out. Many times it’s just the thought of getting together with family who you don’t see on a recurring basis, that can cause anxiety. So why do many people insist on putting themselves through so much negative hype?

                                          Family Induced Blues

I can personally relate to this one. You may wonder, how can your family put you into such a state of mind? The answer is because you want to please everyone but you know you won’t be able to do that. Family in itself, can test one’s sanity and most important of all, patience. Trying to accommodate everyone to keep them happy is virtually impossible. For instance, setting a time for the festivities to begin. This has stressed me out on many occasion. Compromise is the key, but for that you need everyone to cooperate. Sometimes, that just doesn’t happen.

Caving in, is how I refer to it. This is to just be able to move forward and get things going in the direction that they should be headed. I’ve always wished other people would be so accommodating, when I am invited to their homes. Unfortunately, that is never usually the case. Perhaps I think being open and flexible might make for a more pleasant holiday gathering. Some of the people in this family don’t know the meaning of that word!

                                         Self-Made Holiday Blues

For those of us who have hosted many of holiday gatherings, we have only ourselves to blame for becoming stressed out and depressed around this time of the year. I set the bar somewhat high but not to where I can’t reach it at all. I make do with what I have and make my goal very simple. My guests are important to me and I want everyone to be comfortable in my home. My holidays are changing beginning this year, but on previous occasions, I do feel that my company enjoyed themselves. I have always treated people the way I would like to be treated when guests in their homes. Don’t make yourself crazy trying to do the impossible. Stick to what works for you and remember as I said, you can’t always please everyone!

                                    How to Lessen Those Blues

They may not go completely away, but there is always a way to lighten the load. For me, personally, I  always have music on around me. Whether it be plain old rock and roll or for this time of year, Christmas songs, it just seems to help. I clean, dance and sing, bake or cook always belting out a tune. It’s my way of relaxing and getting things put into perspective. Whatever works for you.

Yes, the holiday blues are very real. Even the happiest of people get them at this time of year. If you can’t handle it on your own, then seek out those who can help you do so. There is no reason to feel the way you do, and not do anything about it. The holidays too shall pass, and maybe so your mood. Let’s all try to enjoy the holidays! Remember, they only come once a year!!


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