Feeling Guilty About Doing Nothing….Not Anymore

As you are well aware, today was a day off for some of us. I am not feeling guilty about doing nothing.

I had so much planned, but didn’t get to most of it. There was a time I would feel a lot of guilt about that. Well not anymore!

Back in the day, when the kids were around and I was a few years younger, it would bother me if I wasted a good day off like this one. Let’s face it, there is always something to do in the house. Cleaning, shopping and washing were always part of the schedule. I could have done some of that today too. But I didn’t feel like it. So I didn’t it, and I feel just fine, thank you very much. Feeling guilty about it is a waste of time.

My husband had to work today. He always gives me grief when I’m off and he has to head out. His famous line is” Don’t work too hard today sweetie”. I laughed and thought to myself this morning, maybe I won’t today. Everything I had wanted to do will still be there tomorrow, the day after that, and so on and so on. The weekend will be here before you know it.

Getting older and feeling like it on certain days, doesn’t help either. Since I have a day to rest and enjoy why feel guilty. I think it’s more of a woman thing anyway. Perhaps that’s due to the fact that we usually run a lot of what goes on in the home. My thing is when do I have time to get it all done. If I know that no guests will be coming over, I don’t worry about it. The house is good enough for us and the immediate family, who won’t judge me on my lack of mop and dust performance skills.

Then there are the other “projects”, as I like to call them, that require extreme motivation on my part. An example would be cleaning out closets and crap drawers, formerly known as junk drawers. They graduated to crap now, because it’s gone way past junk!  As long as I can still close it, we’re okay for now.

Shredding old documents is another motivational task. What’s hilarious is that there are 3 shredders in this house. The only one used on a regular basis is the one I use for work. Community shredder will be around in a few months. We did it last year, and it will work again.

I’m not trying to justify not feeling guilty by coming up with other options. Point to be made is that, unless it’s a dire situation, it can usually wait. I will get to the stairs later. The toilets much sooner than later, and the kitchen floor when my husband stops tracking mud on the floor right after I wash it.

I did prepare dinner for tonight. It was the least I could do. But as far as the rest of the day is concerned, well no guilty bones here. I’ve earned some well deserved rest time. Tomorrow will be here soon enough and I will be dragging my butt again. Thank you for today presidents!



One thought on “Feeling Guilty About Doing Nothing….Not Anymore

  1. Love it!! I spent the morning at Home Depot (as per your last blog) picking out a new washing machine and dryer. The dryer has been dead for quite a while (I have become proficient at hang drying my clothes), but the washing machine died yesterday. So I took advantage of the Presidents’ Day sales!! Then I did my wash at my daughter’s house!! Tomorrow is back to the grind.

so let me know what you think!

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