I won’t hesitate to say that fall is my favorite time of the year. The crisp air, the vivid colors, the smell of fireplaces being started up for the first time, and wonderful scents being created in kitchens everywhere, just give me that comfy feeling. I could never live where I can’t see a transition […]
I never used to be one to keep putting things off. If anything, I would always get after my kids or husband to just do it. Why pushing my husband led to him going to the doctor who discovered he had prostate cancer almost 6 years ago. Did I say that he is the worst […]
Switching over my clothes to fit the season, has now become a comical tradition around here. My poor husband gets stuck with the honors of going up to the attic to get my bins down. It has become a joke now, which we laugh at, since I have about 5 bins and he has 2. […]
So every Sunday, I start thinking ahead to the lunches I want to take to work for the days I go in. I try to keep it healthy, so deli meats usually aren’t part of the equation. I get tired of tuna, and can’t eat peanut butter because of my allergy. Several months back for […]
I have shared in several previous blogs how much I don’t like shopping anymore. I suppose I should have included the part of leaving the house to do it. It’s that part of getting dressed and looking fairly presentable to interact with the inconsiderate and rude public in said stores. So I am off from […]
In case you hadn’t read or heard the news today, another Hollywood super couple is kaput. So begins the speculations about what happened. Only they know. The relationship began about 12 years ago, the marriage only lasted 2 years. So what was it? Infidelity, irreconcilable differences, pure laziness in trying to work it out. Well, […]
So I was going through the Sunday paper ads this morning, as I do every weekend, and realized just how much shopping for clothes doesn’t interest me these days. I was never one to be considered a ” clothes horse”, as it were, but good sales could get my attention now and then. It could […]
Starting this week, I will have the pleasure of working from home for 2 days now instead of just 1. I used to work on Friday only, but I will also now be here on Thursday. The second day will be contingent on me keeping my stats where they should be. I’m fine with that, […]
Vertigo entered my life a little over 2 years ago. Not the movie, though I could have handled that a lot better. That horrible sensation when you move your head a certain way, and the room just spins. It came on like gang busters. I actually missed work for a few days at the start, […]
I was debating with myself whether to do a blog on this anniversary of 9/11. Remembrances will be everywhere today, on tv and in all aspects of the media. However, I decided to do this if for anything but therapy for myself. Everybody knows where they were when this horrific succession of events began. Myself, […]