How do significant life events or the passage of time influence your perspective on life?
There have been several life events that have influenced my life and definitely my perspective of it.
The most significant event was losing my brother back in 1978 at the age of 31. He never got to experience raising his son and having the life he so deserved. It has affected me to this day!
I realized that no matter what kind of plans we have for ourselves and others they don’t always come to fruition. Losing him changed how I looked at my life and others in my world. I have never been one who likes surprises. I am a routine driven person.
I don’t take many risks. I had a job for 40 years, been with the same man for 41 years and lived in my home for 28 years. It has given me a certain sense of security like a blanket. The world and some people in it that I have encountered have made some decisions easier for me to make. I can live my life to the fullest but on my terms and how I might decide to.
When I retired, which was another life event of great significance, I revisited my perspective of the world around me. I was forced to broaden my behavior some and my views have widened. I have now become more of a traveler in order to be with my grandchildren who are overseas right now. Seeing the world has made me appreciate mine more.
In retrospect I don’t regret how I have lived my life and my perspective of the world is intact. I will stick with the one surrounding me!