An Introverts View on the World

I’ve always considered myself to be a reserved introvert personality. Not really shy, but reserved to the point where I limit my time in huge groups.

I view people and the world in general very cautiously yet optimistically. I am not afraid to give out an opinion or two, but only if something really gets my goat. My world consists at this stage of my life of very close family and several close friends. I never have understood why I am this way, but for me I am extremely comfortable with my company most of the time.

Working for many years with other individuals, an introvert is challenged to belong to a specific group or be on your own. Well, I’ve always preferred the latter. Never been a follower and will not be one now. I think sometimes that growing up being the youngest whose closest sibling was nine years older, may have precluded this introverted side. Or, just maybe the world helped me to decide which was more appealing….being comfortable with myself not wanting to ever be the center of attention, or always wanting people to make a fuss over me. That’s never been my thing so I’m good with how it was then and how it will stay.

So being a reserved introvert can make you a bit more sensitive than other kinds of personalities in the world. I’ve gotten better at taking most people with a grain of salt…I could care less this way or the other. People will always be who they are and sometimes it takes a while for even non introverts to realize it. At 67 going on 68 next month, I understand now that sometimes you have to just accept what someone shows you, and if you don’t want to accept them that way, than just don’t have them be part of your life. I’ve decided to end some friendships because who wants drama in personal relationships. Introverts try to avoid those kind of situations, not become part of them.

The world has changed. People for the most part haven’t. They have only just adjusted to how things have evolved in recent decades. What was behind a closed door is now out for everyone to see.

Me, well I prefer to stay behind that closed door in my introvert world, occasionally coming out for fresh air and a trip to be where no one cares who I am! A glass of wine and a view of the beach suits me just fine!


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