Greater Powers Might Be Sending a Message

Short of Noah and the Ark, coming down from the heavens to scoop us all up 2 by 2, I’ve been keeping an eye on all the natural disasters going on. I’m a natural-born cynic and firm believer that those greater powers that be, are starting to take hold

                                          Getting Along In The Sandbox

Remember when you were young, and you’d be playing with all your friends, until someone did something to just mess up the good time others were having. That’s what the world is going through, and has been for ions of ions. No matter what diplomacy is tried, or war is fought, it’s all usually for not.

That sandbox we all played in when we were young has gotten more crowded, yet is still the same size it always was. People look different, think different and handle conflicts a lot differently. The premise of all of us working together has been glorified in speeches and in songs. Let’s get together, let’s work together, lets sleep together, well maybe not that one, but you get the idea.

Short of self-destruction, the wrath of whoever it may be, written in many different kinds of writings, and delivered on the silver screen, is something that has also been going on for centuries. Why it is mentioned in the Old Testament. Does sodom and gomorrah ring a bell?

Short of man self destructing with nuclear weapons and conflicts of all kinds, what else is left?


                                             Powers of a Higher Realm

Okay, so maybe I’m reaching here. However, I am a believer, somewhat mind you, of fate, destiny, whatever you might want to call it. I believe things happen for a reason. As horrific as they may be, such as what we have seen recently, be it earthquakes, floods and monster hurricanes, the outcome is still the same. Major tragedy finally stopping the fighting and screaming of humanity. Instead we have witnessed the best of human kind. It may be brief, but it is still a sign that people care in times of need.

The frequency by which we are seeing these occur is mind-boggling. How do you explain it? Sure, climate change and global warming contribute to the problems. We were warned several years back that the hurricanes would be larger and more destructive in the future. Well unfortunately, the future has arrived. Earthquakes are just a natural occurrence of the movement and shifting of the earth’s core and underlying layers of rock. Sorry can’t really blame climate change on that. But the outcome is still tragic for those countries, such as Mexico, who have experienced two major ones in a short period.

I scratch my head and wonder, the irony of it all. Man is set on destroying himself. Well the work may not be as much as you may think, when you look around and see Mother Nature doing it for him. This is where my beliefs of the Bible and Darwin collide. Isn’t it just possible to have both working in stride. What will it take for us to see, that people can be good. That people can be counted on when times are really bad, especially for others. As I stated earlier, I am a born cynic. I’d rather be around my animals than people most days of the week. In the end though, it’s those humans who will rise up and save mankind. If only for a little while. It’s better than nothing at all!


so let me know what you think!

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