Suicide….Desperation Only Those Know

I keep trying to wrap my head around suicide.  Rock artist Chris Cornell from Soundgarden apparently did just that, by hanging himself in his hotel room last night. A few hours earlier, he had just finished performing. Then there are those who commit suicide and murder someone at the same time, as what occurred in our area a few days ago, when a husband killed his wife then himself. How can this happen?

                                           Are People Selfish Who Do This

You have to wonder what voice relays to us that life is just not worth living anymore. How does that kind of desperation set in, especially to those with still so many productive years in front of them?  I think of those children who haven’t even lived their lives yet, taking theirs, for so many reasons. No matter the age, how have we as a society failed them, as to not want to go forward. I can’t even begin to imagine what parents go through, after finding that your child killed themselves. What did we do wrong?

I admit, I have not always been sympathetic towards those who have committed suicide. My first consideration always goes to the friends or loved ones left. Was any thought given to them? Did you ever seek their help and guidance before making such a finite choice? Those are the things I think about when I hear of people taking their own lives. Is it a selfish act?

We all have inner demons of some degree or another. Most are non destructive, but just maybe bad decisions one has made, or a bad vice that might start spinning a bit out of control. But to have an inner demon make you feel as though you have nothing left to survive on this planet for, is heart wrenching.

                                                   Thoughts We Keep To Ourselves

Not a day goes by that someone, somewhere, has not contemplated going through with suicide. Yes the world is full of so many desperate people. As the saying goes, you have not walked in my shoes, pretty much tells the story. Loved ones will say, they had no idea that the victim was that miserable and unhappy, or even thinking of doing such a thing. Experts will be the first to tell you that there are signs. We just don’t always see them. Little things out of character will come about. However, many will just say they didn’t think much of it or get any red flags. Unfortunately, in this case, hindsight is 20/20, means nothing. There are also those who keep it hidden deep inside. The probabilities are that you would never guess. It’s easy to just smile and say I’m fine, when asked how you feel. It’s that simple, and you wouldn’t think twice.

                                                              Knowing What To Look For And What To Do

I have known several people who have taken their lives. Friends of mine have also lost loved ones to suicide. So how can you tell and what do you do?  Suicide just doesn’t come out of nowhere. Look for depression, especially a constant one. Changes in a person’s routine can be a sign. Pay attention to what they read, say, any little hint that just maybe something is not what it should be. Talk to them or ask if they want to talk. There are times when people want it but don’t know how to begin the process.

Nothing in this life is guaranteed. The one thing that is though is saving one person from the many lost through suicides.It is a beginning. Patience, understanding and love. We all need more of that.





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