As the years keep going by and you’re getting older, how do you cope with the multitude of emotions. Some like myself, have just resigned to the fact that it’s part of life. Waking up everyday is a blessing. And so are the other things that go along with getting older.
Getting Older with Pains Here and Pains There
Maybe the worst part of getting older is the realization that your body parts have aged too. I’ve been fortunate so far to be able to keep my original knees, hips and anything else replaceable. Many have not been that lucky. Not to say that just getting out of the bed every morning is a unique experience in itself. At this stage something always aches, or is stiff until put into motion. But then, just still being able to be mobile is a positive.
Wow Is That Really My Neck
Not only do your muscles and joints hurt, but look real closely in the mirror and try not to cringe. My neck held out for a long time. Recently, I’ve noticed that yes, it too is starting its journey south. No worries, I found a great cream I use every night. In my head I think it’s doing the job, so that’s good enough for me. The lines around my eyes have been a statement of my journey through life. I will now begin to treat my neck and throat likewise.
With Age Comes Wisdom
I’d like to think this is true. I believe it can be said that we get experience. When I look around at some of the people who are in different aspects of my life, the wisdom part seems to be obsolete. If you’ve managed to not make the same mistakes over and over, then yes, I’d say you have obtained wisdom. Just being older doesn’t mean you automatically get it. Many younger people have more wisdom, then some older ones I know, myself included. Those experiences sometimes teach you more.
Having Regrets About Choices
Getting older and having regrets about decisions you’ve made in your life, well they go hand in hand. Don’t believe anyone over 50 when they say if they had to do it over again, they wouldn’t change a thing. That’s bull crap. We all have certain aspects of our life that we look back upon and go, “Gee, I wish I would have done that instead of what I had decided to do”. My big one was not going back to school to get my Master’s degree. And I blame no one but myself. I could have done it, but didn’t. End of story. All the other decisions I made, be it good or not so good, helped me grow as a person, and led me to the life I have known for the past 35 years. Shoulda, coulda, woulda!
Embrace Yourself
When you make it to another year, celebrate it. I always remind myself, that many are taken to soon. I joke and laugh about getting older. It just doesn’t bother me, like it does others. It’s part of the package when you are put on this earth. It’s not eternity, it’s a journey. You decide where you want to go. This is the stage in life, where most have already been there. Now is the time to enjoy who you are and be as comfortable in your skin as like no time before.