Coffee and Some Dreams

I’m already thinking about the weekend. Sunday morning is when I can have some quiet time with my coffee and my dreams. Saturday mornings are hectic. But come Sunday it’s just me, early in the morning.

This past Sunday was the perfect example. I’m up to feed the animals, so I stay up. The coffee is ready and so am I. No other noise but the fireplace and me sipping away. My husband usually sleeps in, but not me. When you get up early for so many years, it’s just hard to stay in bed. So I take advantage of this time.

It’s amazing how flooded my brain gets with ideas about this, that and the other. Sometimes to the point where I need to slow down my thought processes. I sit curled up on the family room couch.  Quiet is so underrated. I  realized that I can go without background noise for long periods of time. You forget how peaceful it can be. The ticking of the kitchen clock is the only thing I hear.  And occasionally a cat’s purr. There’s nothing more relaxing to me at that moment.

I think everyone should seek alone time, or quiet times. Sometimes the best time to solve problems is when you are by yourself. The best time to dream sometimes is by yourself. No one can tell you if they are to far-fetched to come true or not. It’s your dream. I can tell you that mine probably won’t come true, not yet anyway. But as I drink my second and third cups of coffee, I like to believe that maybe one day they just might.

I dream that soon, everyday will be a Sunday to me. To get up and drink that coffee and not have to worry about what to wear and how long I will sit in traffic coming home from work. Now I don’t dream my life away. But many of my dreams are personal, private to me and for no one else to know. Even my husband doesn’t know them.

Sometimes I think that maybe I am to old to dream. But then I know that it’s not an age thing anyway. There are people I know who think dreams are silly. It just depends on what you are dreaming about. Winning the lottery, buying a better car or a bigger home. Going on that special adventure you keep talking about with your significant other. There are attainable ones and crazy ones. I will say that I go for both kinds.

Sunday morning will soon be here again. I can’t wait. It will once again be just me and my coffee by the fireplace. Dreaming about some other things that I have yet to discover. And perhaps, these will be the ones that become real!




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