Protesting for a Real Cause

You know, come to think about it, there are lots of things that I could protest about, but don’t. Maybe that’s because I am to busy trying to keep my life in order. I just don’t understand about this women’s march taking place today through out the country and abroad.

I appreciate that they have the right to do it. The problem I have is where have they all been when it comes to other important issues. Do women not care about the elderly, or veterans who gave them the right to protest like they are doing today?  Or how about children, those abused or hungry. What about the crime rate in our major cities? And the homeless. Perhaps they will notice them as they trip over them in the streets.

I have a problem when people think they are speaking for the general population, when these rallies are organized. The cry of “We speak for all blah, blah blah!  Well you aren’t speaking for me ladies. I’m guessing the average age might be around 30-35, and possibly a bit younger. Come back to me when you have experienced the lives many of us old women have. And once again, Meryl Streep doesn’t speak for me either. Yes she is older, but she doesn’t understand paycheck to paycheck.

Women protesting is not new. They did it back in the 20’s for the vote, and in the 60’s and 70’s for God knows everything else.  Oh yes, bra burning made a major statement!  This march today was not representing one party or the other. I get that too. People are not happy, but women more than others are taking offense to what they think is coming down the pike. Do they all know something the rest of us don’t?

I come from the school of wait and see. One day at a time. All of those good sayings. Do you really know what is going to be done, concerning your personal agendas? Probably not, but lets take to the streets and scream and yell and get famous people to tell you how we feel. Please spare us the drama.

Respect is non-existent today. I don’t care where you look for it, you’ll be lucky if you find it. No one feels as though it applies to them. But it does to the person in front and behind them. The hypocrisy these protests bring to the forefront only emphasize the dysfunction going on in this country today. And if these women think it will get them anywhere, more power to them. But in the long-term, it is not just about abortion and pro-life and equal pay. It’s all issues. Protest for those who can’t be there but need to be heard.

Maybe then I will turn on the television and listen to your speeches, because then I will see that it is not-self serving but meant to help the greater good for all know matter what the gender. That kind of protest I don’t have a problem with!





2 thoughts on “Protesting for a Real Cause

  1. Agreed and agreed!! Again a challenge: instead of spending your day marching, go volunteer somewhere where your actions will actually mean something.

so let me know what you think!

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