So working still at this age gets to be more stressful day in and day out. Reasons vary from length of time in said position, and rules which just tend to suck the life out of you. Unfortunately, when you work with some adults who can’t act as such, it causes issues for everyone else.
And so begins 2017 at my workplace! As people around me took advantage of opportunities to try to get over, certain perks are no longer. I saw it coming, but hoped we might get a reprieve. These latest developments will no doubt make many start thinking of retiring. This employee included! The kind of job I hold has never been on a career path. It worked for my family life so, I stayed with it.
There are no longer advantages to having seniority. Sometimes it’s even a hindrance, when companies are looking to downsize. Get the old geezers out first who tend to make just a bit more money. I have survived several of those incidents over the years. My philosophy is do your job and nothing will be said. Funny thing is there are those who don’t and the silence is deafening. As a 61-year-old, it is depressing.
I’ve mentioned before, how due to our financial situation, retiring for me was a non-option at this point in time. I’m also hoping that my husband will not file for divorce considering the moods I will be coming home in now on a regular basis. Going to this job has now gotten to a point where if I don’t take care of myself, I might not make it until retirement.
The problem with the changes taking place is that I predict the administration of them will affect some more than others. Favoritism in the workplace knows no bounds. Management also thinks that people aren’t aware of it. Newsflash….yes we are. Once again, negativity and low morale will win out in 2017.
Starting the new year out with so much pessimism is not who I am. However, reality truly bites. When you have to spend so many hours at a job, it would be nice to have a bit more flexibility. Many places these days do. So does my company. Just not where I work. Fifty and Sixty somethings get tired of being treated like 1st graders. Working with them is no joy either.
Starting tomorrow I will keep my goals in mind, which will in turn put all else in perspective. That goal is to get the hell out of dodge, because when I do, no one will see it coming!!!