Crunch Time…My Best Work is Under Pressure

This is the only way I can describe it now, at least for me. I am usually more organized for Christmas. I missed the boat this year. And I still can’t figure out why.

Getting ready for Christmas was never an issue with me when I was younger. I knew I had to get the gifts, wrap the gifts, clean, bake and cook. So Christmas is now only 3 days from now. I still have gifts to wrap, haven’t started cleaning at all and actually have one or two more gifts to get.

My husband reassured me there is no apathy involved, since I love this time of the year. He attributes it to just pure exhaustion and age. Gee, thanks honey!  Sad truth is he is probably right. It’s becoming a lot for both of us to do. This is the exact reason we cut it back some. Apparently still not enough. Little things keep popping up which take some of the pop out of my step, but I try to keep the glass half full.

I have it pretty easy compared to others now, so that seems to be enough to get me motivated. I am working home today and off tomorrow, so there is ample time to get things done. Tonight I get a break and am going with my daughter to a painting party. When I get home, I will start to wrap some of those remaining presents. There is nothing like last-minute pressure to rev you up.

Tomorrow will consist of grocery shopping, a bit of running, then attacking the house. And that turkey will start soaking in the utility tub, since it is still a frozen lethal weapon.  Saturday will be the day of reckoning. It’s then or nothing. Being the trooper I’ve always been, it won’t be an issue.

The thing that always amazes me is how quickly the balloon gets deflated the day after Christmas. As always, the hype is enormous and then it is all over. All that stressing is for not, when viewed in the long-term. But this is the type of person I am. There are many more like me out there for sure. Set your eyes on the prize and at the end, it will be the best holiday ever!


so let me know what you think!

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