
It’s summertime and it’s hot and humid outside. You may have air condition or maybe not. You have always heard to hydrate more this time of year. What do you drink?

Sure, it’s good to put liquids in, but what kind are you sipping. Water is the best. It’s refreshing, you can get it readily and unless you like it bottled in a 24 pack(like I do) it’s also free. I know ice tea and all those other drinks like iced coffee and caramel fraps are good tasting, but not for the heat. Caffeine dehydrates. Plus, you don’t need the added sugar and calories. They also don’t do your skin any favors.

Water is what our bodies are mostly composed of anyway. Funny how we get attracted to beaches and oceans and running brooks. Maybe it’s because our body craves it. The nice thing is that it comes in different kinds of foods. So if you are tired of water only, well here are a few more suggestions.

Fruits- melons…watermelon is a favorite of mine. Hydrating and healthy for you. Of
course if you are diabetic or have other health issues, please check with
your doctor first.
strawberries…92% water per volume….who knew right!
And a whole lot of other good tasting fruit…peaches, grapefruit, the list
goes on…
Veggies- all varieties of lettuce, cucumbers, celery and most others so
eat up!

So remember, next time you think about making sure you are hydrated, remind yourself that there is more than water out there. You can get vitamins and minerals all the while keeping that complexion of yours plumped up by indulging in nature’s bounty. You’ll help eliminate toxins out of your body too. That’s lots of good stuff for not costing you a lot!!


so let me know what you think!

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