Not Enough Hours In The Day

Well, it’s been a long week since my last blog. The birthday came and went and so did time to do too much else but work, eat and sleep.

So suffice it to say, turning 61 didn’t change my schedule. You would think that having no more children living at home, that there might be time for doing all kinds of stuff. Any time I take off from work, gives me a little mirror into the future, and how much I can’t wait to retire.

After work, there really just isn’t that much time to do everything that I want too. Something always pops up. It’s even worse for my poor husband, who works about 60 to 70 hours a week. We are like ships passing in the night during the week.

This will be a short blog today. Going to spend some time with my favorite person, who just walked in the door.

Also, I will be sharing some recipes soon. One thing I have found time for is cooking.

Talk to you tomorrow Salty Sixties!


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