Get Over What You Can’t Control

I chose this topic because of my ride home this afternoon. It took me an hour, which is becoming more the norm than not. My drive time on the average should be only 30 minutes. Our region is in the top five for commute times. I will vouch for that study. However, now that I have been doing it for so long, I decided just to go with the situation.

It’s like the weather. We have no control over the clouds, the rain, the snow, you get my gist. Well guess what folks. You have no control over the roads either. Concern yourself with avoiding situations, and chances are the commute will be tolerable. I just sit back, watch out for the nuts, and get lost in my music. I hum, I sing, whatever passes the time until I walk through that front door.

Other people should do the same. I am not defending distracted driving by no means. I am looking ahead, watching the traffic flow, getting ready for people’s actions so I can react to them.

I just do it a bit more relaxed and levelheaded these days. Driving is a necessity for me and most others. If I’m going to do it, let me at least control how I handle the time out on the highways.


so let me know what you think!

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